How are you finishing up this year?

5 min readOct 1, 2018

Happy fall, or spring, depending on where you are in the world! Seasons changing, end of this 2018 coming…

Lots of huu-ha going on these last few days, blacking out, or not, standing tall, accusations, lies, men, women, appointed people of power, damn… I choose to stand up and live my purpose, do my work, be heard when necessary, support when I can and believe, encourage, respect, and carry on. I refuse to be a victimized woman, I believe in changing my story to be better and bigger, I let go of the past, and make the now, and the future brilliant, shimmering, creative, loving and all that I desire it to be. We all have lessons to learn, to listen to, to share. And I am here to support you, to encourage you to live large, leap far, dream big, and continue on, making the world better and brighter and more exciting. That is my gig. I am here to question you, to not let you hide, to guide you into allowing you to receive all that you desire. Your badass coach, your accountability partner, your creative leader, your soul sister, your magic seeker… so…let’s move on…

How are you finishing up this year?

Let me ask you a few more questions… (ha, you getting my drift now?!)

Are you where you thought you would be at this time of the year? Are you feeling good about what you have birthed and/or completed for the year? Have you doubled your income? Changed jobs? How about the dream vacation? Anything ticked off on your bucket list? Gotten rid of that lousy partner? Stepped up into your magnificent beauty? Taken those dance classes? Gotten that coach? What super adventures have you had this year? How about your self-care? Stepped that up so you feel really good in your heart and your skin?

Let’s celebrate!!! We’re not quite to the end of the year, but it’s a good time to think about how you want to finish, what you’ve done, and what you haven’t done.

Maybe you have exceeded your expectations, tripled your business income, written that book, been to Europe and back, opened your dance studio, truly developed your meditation practice, journaled almost everyday this year so far, stepped out of your box, moved that body into it’s brilliance, deepened your writing practice…ahhhh, so many things to be grateful for.

But what if you haven’t moved? What if you’ve been overwhelmed with all your possibilities, not knowing which step to take next, or how to figure out what to do next? What if you feel like your’e in a quagmire of never ending to-do’s that aren’t taking you anywhere? What if you feel strangled by debt, and “can’t” afford to do the things you want?

It’s time my friends, to figure it out! Remember, everything is figure-out-able! To ask for some help. Get some guidance. Take a step back and jump off the whirlygig, and let’s get you where you desire to be. Gain some clarity, get some freedom, invest in yourself, and end this year with a fabulous celebration of you!

And, of course that leads to starting next year with an even better MAP (Magic Action Plan), a plan, a calendar, clarity, true acknowledgement of your desires, better self-care and awareness, and STOP the bullshit stories you keep telling yourself…

Remember, Change your State, Change your Story, Change your Life

Time to design your life the way you want it. NOW! What are your waiting for? You’ve heard the old saying, “ What if tomorrow never comes?”

Cliche, but so true… This is YOUR time, take it , own it, step into it, and shine baby!

Figure out what is next, establish your priorities, join those groups, hire that coach, declare your dominion and your gueendom… that’s what I’m talking about!

Who here is ready for that? Who is ready for your next step? More of who you truly are, in alignment with your purpose, your desires, your truth…tired of pussyfootin’ around, no beatin’ around the bush, making excuses,” yea but”…. doesnt’ that just about make you sick to your stomach when you put something, some fear, some person holding you back, in front your your life? Do you hear yourself in that?

See, my mission is to empower creative women, usually in mid-life, mid-career, ready for a change, small or big, to be the best, the biggest, the most divinely feminine, even sexiest, version of themselves… to open up their creativity, to step out of fear and have way more fun, to feel great and do the work, make the creations, that your heart is singing for you to do. To help you open up the pages of your soul and spill them out, declare them, honor them, honor you! Wow….

Because you are a badass, maybe still a rebel, but how about being a sacred rebel? One who can create, be different, get funky, honor our diversities, make art, write poetic text (and get paid for it!), and live full on!

Now, how do you want to end the year?

Think about it and let me know… and let me know how I can support you…I want to see brilliance, I want to see you light up, I want to see you create, make a plan, change your story, and feel great, and into bigger and better things, into fulfillment and satisfaction, with love, people!

Life is for living and loving, don’t ever forget that…

And remember, where ever you are, no matter, celebrate! You are here, and acknowledge your everyday, with gratitude and love, and honor!

Thanks for being part of my world…

Please feel free to join my blog email list, the quest, for more inspired stories and happenings, upcoming mastermind groups, coaching services, exotic retreats, and all things fun! Email me, (, if I can be of service to you in any way.

And know that I have a free Breakthrough to your Magic Mojo — Discovery Session with me so that we can see what is next for you! Schedule with me now…I am excited to be of service to you, to possibly work together in the future as your coach, and help you achieve your dreams and desires!

And share this with someone who would enjoy it too! Thank you…




Lifestyle Coach for Creatives, author, poet, teacher, speaker, passion instigator, movement motivator, guitar strummer, Global Caravan dancer & director